Home > 3.5T Line Pump Trailer
  • 3.5T Concrete Pump Trailer

Our one-of-a-kind concrete pumping trailer is perfect for those looking to start up or expand their fleet without the added expense of having to tax, MOT and generally maintain a 7.5T truck. Powered by its own donkey engine to run our peristaltic line pump, our Concrete Pumping Trailer does everything our Line Pump Truck does, with fewer overheads, meaning this trailer would pay for itself quicker than any other new option on the market. We will build on a brand-new trailer ready for you to drive out of our workshop and straight to your first job! Alternatively, if you already have a suitable trailer, we will build on that and operate a drive in – drive out service, you don’t get that anywhere else.

Our pumping units are ideal for shuttering as there is significantly less force exerted than traditional units. It is a tried and tested pump, click here to read about jobs that have been completed using this equipment. The pump is capable of pumping through 80-100M of hose, an extremely versatile piece of equipment. The trailer also takes up less room than a standard pump truck, you could park up, unhitch and park your car/truck/van elsewhere if space was tight, the trailer only takes up a standard car space.

­ | Trailer Bed Length – ≤ 5M | Trailer Bed Width – ≤ 2.15M | Hose Length – ≤ 5M | Pumping Hose Diameter – 3” (4” Pump) |

| Maximum pumping output – 50m³/h | 40 Bar Pressure | No vacuum pump required | No need to grease pump hose internally |

| 60M of lightweight flexible rubber hoses (23kg each) | Single operator required |

Providing you have a vehicle suitable, anybody can tow this trailer! No extra licensing required!

ONLY £65,000