Home > Case Studies & Projects > The Monomix

In need of a product that is capable of mixing up to 0.5m³ of concrete in a single mix? This is the perfect tool for construction companies, and IHS is ideal for vehicle manufacture!

It doesn’t get much simpler than this. The small hopper is designed to be filled once with sand and aggregate (separately) for 0.25m³, and twice for 0.5m³. The water tank is clearly marked for the differing mixes and there is a sticker advising on the number of cement bags needed. At just 1m high, it is the ideal height to empty cement bags into. When the concrete is mixed and ready to be ejected, the whole unit lifts up on hydraulic cylinders, enough to get a standard wheelbarrow under. This vehicle manufacture project made for the perfect product for construction companies who mix concrete on site. For a solid bespoke engineering job, IHS is your answer.

The dual direction auger allows for fast and precise mixing, directing the mix to the centre outlet.

The 7″ outlet allows for fast filling of the wheelbarrow, or the hole unit can be moved over the area and discharged in situ.

  • The Monomix
  • The Monomix

Prices start at £5,999